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This post came as a result of my divorce a few years ago, and how my mindset shifted in response. People expect others to react in certain ways after experiencing something like a breakup. But in reality, we need to respond according to how we feel. Rejection doesn’t have to be the end of the world….and in fact, can be life-changing in positive ways. It’s all about changing perspective and mindset! Let’s face it….rejection sucks! And yet, at some point in our lives, we’ve all faced it in some form or another. And although it feels pretty darn crappy to be rejected or to have to reject someone else, it is time to change our mindset about rejection. We need to start understanding that it can be an act of love. Now, this may seem counter-intuitive but stay with me for a bit while I explain. I see people every day who are in relationships that aren’t working. I know many who have stayed in relationships for years, and even decades with someone that they don’t love…..but instead tolerate. Truth be said, that was true for my ex-husband and me too. And we spent nine years tolerating one another, knowing that we weren’t in love, and knowing that the relationship wasn’t right for either one of us.