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The subconscious mind has greater control over your life than you may realize. But when you want to make changes, this secret saboteur may be preventing you from doing just that! Have you ever tried to lose weight? Or start a New Year’s resolution? Usually, when you make a change, you are full of motivation and eager to succeed. But within a couple of weeks, old habits begin to creep in. And before you know it, you are eating more junk food and your resolution is simply a faint memory. Many dieters try diet after diet and lose some weight only to regain it…or more! And many smokers successfully quit smoking only to resume the habit after a short time. When that happens to you, it’s easy to feel like a failure and to feel defeated. But what most people are unaware of is that there is a secret saboteur to blame for these failures. Making major changes in your life takes much more than just willpower. Willpower alone is too weak to get the job done. That’s because there’s a literal battle of wills that occurs between your conscious and subconscious minds.