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One of the top desires of every human being is the desire to be happy. People can spend their lives chasing happiness and often spend years and even decades looking for it in people and things. But no matter how hard they try to seek true happiness in that way, they just can’t seem to find it. The problem is that we live in a world where people connect happiness with external things. And this connection has created a whole lot of when/then thinking for so many. You may be thinking this way as well, without even realizing it! Have you ever had a thought like “When I lose weight I’ll be happy”? Or “When I find the perfect relationship, then I’ll be happy”? How about “When I have more money or a better job, then I’ll be happy”? This is the when/then pattern of thinking and it is very common. This belief relies on something happening in your life externally so that you can be happy.